Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Biggest Losers, Where Are They Now? Still fat?

Last fall and winter I was fascinated with the NBC TV show "The Biggest Loser". If you're not familiar with the show. They take fatties like me and have them lose a tremendous amount of weight over a short amount of time.

If you've ever tried to lose weight, most of you know how hard it is. I was in Weight Watchers a couple of times and if you lost 2 lbs a week after the first couple of weeks you were doing handstands. These people on the Biggest Loser were dropping 10 to 20 lbs a week. Which is just crazy. I could believe it in the first week or two. But after a period of time your body tends to adapt.

This got me thinking. Why don't they bring out people from past seasons to talk to the contestants. This show is entering it's fifth season this fall. Probably over 100 people have been on this show over 5 years. With over 100 people to choose from couldn't they find 20 people that still are slim after losing all of this weight? Supposedly 20% is considered a success with any weight loss program.

I spent a couple of days researching and I could only find one contestant that has lost the weight on the show and continued to keep it all off. Her name is Kelly Miner and this lady works out for 4 hours per day. Yikes! The guy in the above picture, Ryan Benson, gained all of his weight back.

I heard The Biggest Loser producers were trying to put together a reunion show but it fell through. Could it be that they were unable to find enough to put together a reunion show? Also why at the beginning of the 8 weeks or whatever do they weigh the men in without their shirts on. Their man boobs are flopping away and it's pretty gross. After they start losing a ton of weight they always weigh in with their shirt on. Is this to hide their scars from lipo?

Also, why don't they ever show an average contestants daily food diary and workout routine. Don't you think that would help people in the audience. Instead they have them do stupid elimination contests like run in a giant gerbil ball or so who can walk past a giant table full of pizza and cake without eating it.

Maybe the Biggest Losers are the people that get hooked on watching this show.


Joseph Cardwell said...
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Joseph Cardwell said...

Matt and Suzy Hoover from season 2 have done an excellent job of keeping it off and are blogging over at Matt's Blog and Suzy's Blog over at

Check it out!

Doc In The Rock said...

Hey Joseph thanks for the comments. I'll check out Matt and Suzy Blog and see how they are doing.
